Realistic Christianity

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'll Start Here

I increasingly hurt at how people simply can't get along. And over the silliest things... To many unity and harmony demands conformity. But I won't buy that assumption. We can disagree and remain bonded.

My dearest friends and I have engaged some knock down, drag out fights with each other...then hugged and told each other how much we love the other. We left the ordeal still in disagreement but still wholly committed to each other. And that's where it has to start...with a commitment to unity and harmony with a foundation of humility and meekness supporting our relational commitments. Or...they won't work.

People, if they fail to start at commitment and humility, will botch their relationships, get mad, blow up and annihilate relationships that meant so much to them and those involved. It truly hurts to see us supplant and uproot human dignity and integrity because we can't simply say "I'll start here...I'm committed to this relationship. I know we'll disagree and I will often be wrong. No matter what...I love you."


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