Realistic Christianity

Thursday, January 11, 2007

God Knows | Psalm 7

At times it’s just you and God. You venture out not knowing what will happen. You have critics (enemies) attempting to thwart your pursuit of God’s righteousness. You have “friends” who won’t get your back on this one. It’s just you and God.

David was overcome with these feelings of rejection and loneliness at times. How did he handle them? How did he face hostility alone?

Read Psalm 7. He developed an outlook on life that requires the deepest trust and faith in God. He knew God would make it right no matter what. Can you trust God in those times? Could you move forward against all odds? Against criticism and cynicism? Against resistance? And, would you do this knowing God may never bring the truth to light in your lifetime? Could you press on understanding that even so, as long as he knows, it’s ok?


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