Realistic Christianity

Friday, February 09, 2007

Too Honest? | Psalm 13

The more I read and study the Psalm the more impressed I am at their honesty. Read the beginning of Psalm 13. It almost causes one to cringe at the bluntness. I shudder a bit. Is this line of pointed questioning treading a little too close to disrespecting God? Are we to question him so boldly?

It’s not just this Psalm. No, these open, honest and soul-cleansing themes run throughout the poetry of Ancient Israel. So real…so raw and unrefined.

Personally, I seek to capture that attitude before the presence of God. I want to know him so deeply that I’m not afraid to express my anxieties, fears and doubts before him. I want to trust him so thoroughly that I can question him without fear he will turn his back to me. Can the prayers of the Psalmists become my own? That’s my quest…

How do you feel about it?


  • Heb 4:14-16 comes to mind.

    I am starting an article in our paper here in Snyder. May I give you a plug for the internet savy of SW Oklahoma?

    I don't have long distance right now. Wal-mart has begun charging more for their phone cards. Give me a call after you check out Jack.

    Mel and I bought a Ford Excursion last week. It is basically a bus, yet more manly than a minivan.

    Tell Ashley we said "hi".

    Ron, Mel, Payton, Cheyenne, Mwank, Riley, and Ryder

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/12/2007 1:08 PM  

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