Forgive the Last Post
I went back and read my most previous post. Ughh. I think I had good intentions but, bah, what a stretch to fit in Psalm 11 to that concept. Sometimes I'm not up to it...writing, that is.
But isn't that what this is all about? It typifies life. Some days go better than and downs. Yet if we keep moving progress is made.
Last summer I went on a spiritual trek with about 20 other people. I learned so much and gained so much. I also discovered an illustration that goes along with what I'm saying. As we climbed and trudged along seeking out high camp the terrain went up and down. However, through those miniature valleys and hills we consistently pressed to higher elevation. That's the Christian's journey. We suffer in the valleys and relish the high points but we keep moving up.
Ok, to sum it up, my previous post was a valley I hope to climb out of sooner than later.
But isn't that what this is all about? It typifies life. Some days go better than and downs. Yet if we keep moving progress is made.
Last summer I went on a spiritual trek with about 20 other people. I learned so much and gained so much. I also discovered an illustration that goes along with what I'm saying. As we climbed and trudged along seeking out high camp the terrain went up and down. However, through those miniature valleys and hills we consistently pressed to higher elevation. That's the Christian's journey. We suffer in the valleys and relish the high points but we keep moving up.
Ok, to sum it up, my previous post was a valley I hope to climb out of sooner than later.
I think we at times make too much of the Valley & mountain top concept.The mountain tops are above the tree line, cold, and hard to breathe because of the lack of oxygen. The valley is where the stream isand the best of the grass. I'm not putting down the blog, just saying that even if it wasn't your best, you realized that and was nourished.
Anonymous, at 1/31/2007 10:42 AM
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