Collective Transformation
Bible study consumes a big part of my life. Yet I often pull my hair out in frustration. Alone, spiritual growth comes to me like my two-year old who just spotted a playground—not easily.
However, once I take my struggles and questions to other Christians the dust settles. Spiritual growth, for me, tends to happen in a group. A collective effort gracefully clears the hurdles that usually trip up a one-track mind. Why?
Others have endured different experiences than I have. They have arrived from different backgrounds, studied different disciplines and witnessed different events. Those variances offer new insight to a study, forcing me to open my eyes and see things from a different angle, unlocking the door that I couldn’t open before.
The Bible doesn’t discourage personal study and growth, but it does offer an alternative, and maybe better, approach. Notice “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). Together, the new church pursued spiritual transformation.
The church should take seriously the importance of gathering around the table. Just remember, the menu isn’t limited to potluck.
However, once I take my struggles and questions to other Christians the dust settles. Spiritual growth, for me, tends to happen in a group. A collective effort gracefully clears the hurdles that usually trip up a one-track mind. Why?
Others have endured different experiences than I have. They have arrived from different backgrounds, studied different disciplines and witnessed different events. Those variances offer new insight to a study, forcing me to open my eyes and see things from a different angle, unlocking the door that I couldn’t open before.
The Bible doesn’t discourage personal study and growth, but it does offer an alternative, and maybe better, approach. Notice “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). Together, the new church pursued spiritual transformation.
The church should take seriously the importance of gathering around the table. Just remember, the menu isn’t limited to potluck.