Realistic Christianity

Monday, August 21, 2006

Mad at Gravity

I love Launchcast Radio offered by Yahoo! Music. People can usually hear it blaring when they enter my office. The other day the band Mad at Gravity popped up on my player. I immediately wrote down their name because it struck a chord in me.

Mad at gravity? How odd. Isn’t it very funny and very obvious that those mad at gravity can do nothing about it? But so goes life… People (include me here too) often fume at those things out of their control. In essence we give the power to those things as simple and uncontrollable as gravity.

Let’s take back the power to decide our emotions. Let’s not allow things beyond our sphere of control to dictate our feelings. Let it go, there’s nothing we can do. Why get mad at gravity?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Rescue in Prayer

I freeze. Stop. Pause.
The words don’t come.
Here for a cause.
To tell him just some
Of the things he’s made
Possible in my life
But thoughts on parade
To create great strife
Inside my heart.
Confusion and hesitation;
Where to start?
Oh, the frustration…

But then I stop in confidence
With reason for ponder.
Thanks to the Spirit he sent—
My God doesn’t have to wonder.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts know the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. –Paul.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Why Won't You Die?

You’re no friend, but I know you well.
You’ve come my way, a ticket from Hell.
I hate that you have arrived;
It hurts to see that you're alive.
You will not die.

You haunt the steps I take today
And cast shadows over what lights my way.
I’ve tried to arrange your final breath,
But you refuse to accept your death.
You will not die.

Relationships I own, you taint and mar.
With each heart I touch, you leave a scar.
I can’t escape your damaging lust;
I scream, “Ashes to Ashes; Dust to Dust!”

Will you ever die?

You’re the reality I’d rather forget—
The terrible thing inside my closet.
What you bring I’ve left behind,
But here you are inside my mind!
You must die.

You slow me down in my hurry;
Provoke the rage within my fury.
Hell’s the play in which you’re cast,
And your starring role is my Past.
Why won’t you die?