Realistic Christianity

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

'The Fool has Said in his Heart' Psalm | Psalm 14

The first line of the Psalm rings in my ears as I remember sitting in class after class on apologetics. “People who can’t see that God exists are fools!,” the message came across to me. I don’t know about that now. I never bothered to read the entire passage (an unfortunate track record).

“Investigate deeper,” I say to myself. What is the Psalm saying to me? I can’t ask what does it mean or what can I write about it or how can I apply it to Creationism. Those questions don’t get to the heart of how we should peer into God’s revelation. Here’s what I heard.

God seeks me. He is there—I should acknowledge him. He has manifested his presence and activity—I ought to recognize it. Not only is he merely involved in the activities of human life, he wants me to participate with him.

These exercises re-teaching myself to read Scripture bring discomfort. I’ve always looked at God’s word with a motive to teach it, dissect it and formulate it. But never to have it teach, dissect and form me. This approach invites a struggle. But I seem to remember person who experienced transformation after a wrestling match with God. Let the match begin.


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